Hemodialysis in a Child with Pyelonephritis and Nephrolithiasis

  • Moersintowarti B. Narendra Department of Child Health and the Department of Clinical Pathology, Medical School, Airlangga University, Surabaya
  • R.H. Sardjito Djojohadipringgo Department of Child Health and the Department of Clinical Pathology, Medical School, Airlangga University, Surabaya
  • Marsetio Donosepoetro Department of Child Health and the Department of Clinical Pathology, Medical School, Airlangga University, Surabaya
Keywords: hemodialysis, child, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis


Several events of hemodialysis

among adults have been published in

Indonesia; this report might be the

first done in a child.


ABEL, J.J.; ROWNTREE, L.G. and TURNER, B. B.: The removal of diffusable substances from the circulating blood by means of Dialysis. Ass. Amer. Phycns. 28 : 51 (1913).

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KOLFF, W.J.; BERK, J.T.J.; TERWELLE, M.; VANDER LEY, A.J.W.; VAN DIJK, E.C. and VAN NOORDWIJK, J.: Een Dialysator met groot oppervlak. Geneesk. Gids. 21 : 40r (1943).

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MAUER, S.M.; SHIDEMAN, J.R.; BUSELMEIER, T.T. and KJELLSTRAND, C.M.: Long term hemodialysis in the neonatal period. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 125 : 269 (1973).

MILLER, A.; SLADE, N. a.nd LEATHER, H.M.: Acute renal Failure in A synopsis of Renal Diseases and Urology. p. 45 (John Wright & Sons, Bristol 1966).

POTTER, D.; LARSEN, D.; LEUMANN, E.; PERIN, D.; SIMMONS, J.; PIEL, C.F. and HOLLIDAY, M.A. : Treatment of chronic Uremia in Childhood II - Hemodialysis. Pediatrics 46 : 678 (1970).

WALKER, C.H.M.; WERSHING, J.M.; SIMON, S.I.; HOLMES, T.H.; SITPRIJA, V. And O'BRIEN, D.: Hemodialysis in Infantile Nephrotic Syndrome. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 106 : 479 (1963).
How to Cite
Narendra M, Djojohadipringgo R, Donosepoetro M. Hemodialysis in a Child with Pyelonephritis and Nephrolithiasis. PI [Internet]. 9Jun.2017 [cited 6Feb.2025];14(5-6):79-4. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/1489
Received 2017-06-06
Accepted 2017-06-06
Published 2017-06-09