Level of knowledge on HIV I AIDS among senior high school students

  • I Nyoman Budi Hartawan
  • Ketut Dewi Kumara Wati
Keywords: HIV/AIDS knowledge, senior high school, good level


Background Young people are now the epicenter and bear a
disproportionate burden ofHIV/AIDS pandemic. Until now,
one of the strategies which are implemented by the govern-
ment is by increasing the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge in
order to avoid its spreading.
Objective This study was to explore the level of HIV/AIDS
knowledge of senior high school's students towards HIV I AIDS
at subdistrict ofPetang. The secondary outcome is to compare
the levels of knowledge toward HIV I AIDS between Petang and
Pelaga Senior high school, between class and gender.
Methods This was a descriptive study, conducted between
1st to 28th February 2007 in Petang and Pelaga Senior High
School. The study subjects are 529 students (all of senior high
school students in subdistrict of Petang, Badung Regency).
Data was taken using UNICEF questionnaire 2000 for young
people, which had been passed the reliability test with the
kappa value of 0.85.
Results Most subjects (90.5%) have excellent and good
knowledge and only 9,5% have sufficient knowledge. Level of
knowledge in girls is better than boys with significant differ-
ence between them (P=O.OOO), while school and grade didn't
show any differences (P=0.760) and (P=0.489).
Conclusion The level of knowledge of senior High School in
Subdistrict ofPetang, Badung Regency toward HIV /AIDS is at
excellent or good level


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How to Cite
Hartawan IN, Wati K. Level of knowledge on HIV I AIDS among senior high school students. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2008 [cited 29Mar.2025];48(4):235-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/574
Received 2016-09-10
Accepted 2016-09-10
Published 2008-08-31