Peak expiratory flow rate of primary school children in high and low air pollution level areas

  • Ismart Edy Hasibuan
  • M Nur Supriatmo
  • A Faisal
  • Gabriel Panggabean
  • Ridwan M Daulay
  • Zakaria Siregar
  • Helmi M Lubis
Keywords: peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), high pollution level, low pollution level, primary school children


Background Chronic inhalation of air pollutants may cause
bronchoconstriction, bronchiolitis, and edema of airway, thus alter
lung volume. To measure the lung volume, a simple lung function
test, the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), can provide a feature of
lung volume in liters/minute.
Objective The purpose of this study was to measure PEFR val-
ues of primary school children in a high air pollution level area
(Medan) and compare the results with the PEFR values of those in
a low air pollution level area (Tebing Tinggi).
Methods A cross sectional study was conducted on primary school
children (10-12 years of age) during May-July 2000 in Medan and
Tebing Tinggi. Data were obtained by questionnaires. Physical ex-
amination included age, sex, height, weight, and PEFR value. PEFR
values were measured by Mini Wright peak expiratory flow meter
(MPFM) from three blows. The highest volume was taken as the
PEFR value. Statistical analysis was done by t-test and p<0.05
was considered significant.
Results There were 212 primary school children eligible for this
study; 107 came from the high air pollution level area and 105
from the low air pollution level area. The PEFR values did not dif-
fer significantly between the two groups (p>0.05)
Conclusion PEFR values in a high air population level area were
not statistically different compared with those in low air pollution
level area

Author Biographies

Ismart Edy Hasibuan
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera
University—Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
M Nur Supriatmo
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera
University—Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
A Faisal
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera
University—Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Gabriel Panggabean
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera
University—Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Ridwan M Daulay
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera
University—Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Zakaria Siregar
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera
University—Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Helmi M Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera
University—Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Hasibuan I, Supriatmo M, Faisal A, Panggabean G, Daulay R, Siregar Z, Lubis H. Peak expiratory flow rate of primary school children in high and low air pollution level areas. PI [Internet]. 24Sep.2016 [cited 24Jan.2025];43(1):10-3. Available from:
Received 2016-09-21
Accepted 2016-09-21
Published 2016-09-24