Malignant osteopetrosis in a child

  • Annie Kusumadewi
  • Moersintowati B. Narendra
  • Bambang Permono

Author Biographies

Annie Kusumadewi
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Airlangga
University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Moersintowati B. Narendra
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Airlangga
University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Bambang Permono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Airlangga
University, Surabaya, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Kusumadewi A, Narendra M, Permono B. Malignant osteopetrosis in a child. PI [Internet]. 31Oct.2007 [cited 12Mar.2025];47(5):238-. Available from:
Case Report
Received 2016-09-01
Accepted 2016-09-01
Published 2007-10-31