Predictive factors for recurrent febrile seizures in children

  • Pengekuten Marudur Department of Child Health, Gadjah Mada University Medical School/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta
  • Elisabeth Herini Department of Child Health, Gadjah Mada University Medical School/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta
  • Cahya Dewi Satria Department of Child Health, Gadjah Mada University Medical School/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta
Keywords: febrile seizures, recurrence, predictors, prospective


Background Oneô€¡third of children who experience febrile seizures
have a recurrence, '\.Vith rates of75% in the first year, and 90% mthin
the second year following the first febrile seizure. Predictive factors
for recurrent febrile seizures have been reported in studies from other
countries, but there have been few of these studies in Indonesia.
Objective To determine predictive factors for the recurrence of
febrile seizures in children.
Methods Children w i t h firstô€¡time febrile seizures were
prospectively followed up, for at least 12 months. Subjects were
recruited consecutively from August 2008 to April 20 1 0 from two
hospitals in Yogyakarta and one hospital in Klaten. We monitored
recurrences of febrile seizure by telephone or home visits to parents
every 3 months. Time to first recurrence of febrile seizures was
analyzed using the Cox regression model.
Results T here were 196 children v,ith firstô€¡time febrile seizures who
completed the follow up. Recurrent seizures were observed in 56
children (28.6%). Me811 follow up time was 21.7 (SD 6.6) months.
Temperature of <40"C at the time of seizure (RR=2.29, 95%CI 135
to 3.89, P=0.OO2), history of febrile seizures in firstô€¡degree relatives
(RR=330, 95%CI 1.25 to 8.08, P<O.OOl), age at first febrile seizure
of <12 months (RRô€¢2.40, 95%CI 1.42 to 4.06, Pô€¢O.OOI) and
duration of fever before the seizure of:51 hour (RR=4.62, 95%CI:
1.35 to 15.80, P=0.015) were significantly associated v,ith recurrence
of febrile seizures. Furthermore, Cox regression analysis revealed
that the age of < 12 months, history of febrile seizures in firstô€¡degree
relatives and temperature of < 40" C were significantpredictive factors
for the recurrence of febrile seizures.
Conclusion Age at first seizure of < 12 months, history of febrile
seizures in firstô€¡degree relatives, and seizure v,ith temperature of
<40"C were independent predictive factors for recurrent febrile
seizures in children. [Paediatr lndones. 2012;52:317,23].


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How to Cite
Marudur P, Herini E, Satria C. Predictive factors for recurrent febrile seizures in children. PI [Internet]. 31Dec.2012 [cited 9Mar.2025];52(6):317-3. Available from:
Received 2016-09-08
Accepted 2016-09-08
Published 2012-12-31