Treatment of ulcerated hemangiomas with propranolol: an evidence-based case report

  • Stefanus Gunawan Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi UniversityMedical School/Prof. DR. R. D. Kandoll Hospital, Manado
  • Yuri Yuri Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi UniversityMedical School/Prof. DR. R. D. Kandoll Hospital, Manado
  • Max Mantik Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi UniversityMedical School/Prof. DR. R. D. Kandoll Hospital, Manado
Keywords: ulcerated hemangioma, propanolol, tumor


Hemangiomas are the most frequent vascular
tumors observed in early childhood. The
presentation is unique, with an initial
phase of proliferation, followed by a
phase of slow, spontaneous regression after the age of
1 year.1,2 Most hemangiomas are uncomplicated and
do not require intervention. However, therapy may be
needed if the hemangioma is located at certain body
sites, such as the face, or if it results in a functional
handicap, such as limitation of eye opening. In
addition, ulcerated, rapidly growing hemangiomas
may require treatment.3


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How to Cite
Gunawan S, Yuri Y, Mantik M. Treatment of ulcerated hemangiomas with propranolol: an evidence-based case report. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2012 [cited 6Feb.2025];52(4):243-. Available from:
Case Report
Received 2016-08-31
Accepted 2016-08-31
Published 2012-08-31