Profile of iron deficiency anemia among junior high school students

  • Dewi Iriani Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Alan R. Tumbelaka Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Sri Sudaryati Nasar Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: Adolescent, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), menstruation, hemoglobin, serum iron (SI).


Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a serious significant public health problem, since it’s negative impact on physical
and psycological development, behavior and work capacity. There are many risk factors influencing the development of IDA.
A cross-sectional study has been conducted in 301 Junior High School students at East Jakarta in January-February 2000.
A structural questionnaire, physical, cell blood count (CBC) and Serum Iron ( SI ) examinations were performed. We found
some of the many variables were connected with IDA by using bivariat analysis. Anemia was found in 41 out of 301 students
(13,6%) and only 25 children (8.3%) suffered from IDA. Among 179 female students, only 33 children (18.5%) were anemic
and 20 out of 33 (12.0%) have IDA. Bivariat analysis revealed a significant association between IDA with sex, parent’s
education, food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) scores, and menstruation. It is concluded that the prevalence of IDA in this
study was lower than found in some previous studies in Indonesia. Gender, menstruation, low educated parents, and low FFQ
scores were risk factors for IDA.


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How to Cite
Iriani D, Tumbelaka A, Nasar S. Profile of iron deficiency anemia among junior high school students. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2001 [cited 20Mar.2025];41(3-4):111-4. Available from:
Received 2017-02-01
Accepted 2017-02-01
Published 2001-04-30