Problems and Solution of Malabsorption Syndrome in Indonesia

  • Suharjono Suharjono Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • Sunoto Sunoto Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • Aswitha Budiarso Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • Titut S. Pusponegoro Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • W.A.F.J. Tumbelaka Department of Child Health, Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Keywords: malabsorption syndrome


I. Problems of malabsorption syndrome in developing countries like lndonesia are associated especially with :
(1) Protein Calorie Malnutrition
(2) Low Birth Weight
(3) Gastroenteritis
(4) Post bowel surgery
(5) Being unused to drink milk after weaning.
They show a big difference with those in developed countries where they usually are correlated with a.o. coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis, etc.

II. Solving the problems :
a. Since in diarrhoeal patients, with or without PCM, sugar intolerance and or fat malabsorption usually occur, a formula consisting of low or free
lactose with easily absorbable fats i.e. MCT or UFA, might be the best solution as a refeeding regimen.
b. Besides treating the malabsorption syndrome, other measures are much more important i.e correction of fluid and electrolyte imbalance and treatment of predisposing condition.


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How to Cite
Suharjono S, Sunoto S, Budiarso A, Pusponegoro T, Tumbelaka W. Problems and Solution of Malabsorption Syndrome in Indonesia. PI [Internet]. 13Jun.2017 [cited 6Feb.2025];18(1-2):11-. Available from:
Received 2017-05-30
Accepted 2017-05-30
Published 2017-06-13