Birth weight and blood pressure in first-grade elementary school students: A preliminary study

  • Adrian Umboh
  • Stefanus Gunawan
Keywords: fetal programming, hypertension, birth weight, blood pressure


Background Fetal programming theory reveals that low birth
weight is associated with higher risks of hypertension and cardio-
vascular diseases in the adulthood.
Objective To study the difference in blood pressure among first-
grade students of different birth weight groups.
Methods A cross-sectional study was performed. Blood pressure
of 214 healthy first-grade elementary school students (102 males
and 112 females) in Bunaken Subdistrict, Manado, Indonesia, was
measured using a standard sphygmomanometer with appropriate
cuff for arm size. Two readings were taken. Parents were asked to
complete a questionnaire concerning the information on birth weight
and length and confirmed by retrieving the record on a growth
chart and/or a maternal-child health book. The subjects were di-
vided into 6 groups according to their birth weight. The differences
in blood pressure values between birth weight groups were exam-
ined by ANOVA.
Results Systolic blood pressures were significantly higher in the
<2500 g birth weight group (100.73+9.99 mmHg vs. 93.70+8.29
mmHg) and in the 2500-<3000 g birth weight group compared to
those of the 3500-<4000 g one (99.56+9.14 mmHg vs. 93.70+8.29
mmHg) with a P of 0.048 and 0.014, respectively. There was no
difference between diastolic blood pressure and birth weight.
Conclusion Our study showed that the lower birth weight group
tends to have a higher systolic blood pressure than that of children
with normal birth weight

Author Biographies

Adrian Umboh
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Malalayang Hospital, Manado, Indonesia.
Stefanus Gunawan
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Malalayang Hospital, Manado, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Umboh A, Gunawan S. Birth weight and blood pressure in first-grade elementary school students: A preliminary study. PI [Internet]. 13Oct.2016 [cited 1Feb.2025];45(6):251-. Available from:
Received 2016-10-12
Accepted 2016-10-12
Published 2016-10-13