Hepatitis B serologic patterns in children of HBV carriers or infected mothers

  • Julfina Bisanto
  • Imral Chair
  • Dyah Istikowati
Keywords: hepatitis B, immunization, perinatal transmission


Background Vertical transmission is usually the cause of increas-
ing carrier rates for hepatitis B infection, especially in highly en-
demic areas.
Objective To determine the serologic patterns of hepatitis B in
children of HBV carrier/infected mothers.
Methods This was a cross sectional study on children of HBV
carrier/infected mothers. Subjects were recruited consecutively and
examined at the Department of Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo
Hospital during January–July 2003. Children were included if they
were generally healthy and their parents gave permission. Chil-
dren with chronic illness, previous blood transfusions, or drug abuse
were excluded.
Results Fifty-nine children of 32 HBV carrier/infected mothers were
recruited. HBsAg was positive in 8 children, anti-HBs in 37, and
anti-HBc in 4 children. Seventy-three percent of children had been
vaccinated against HBV but only 81% had positive anti-HBs. Of
eighteen children who received hepatitis B vaccine and HBIg at
birth, none was infected. Six out of 25 children who received only
hepatitis B vaccine were infected.
Conclusion HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc were positive in 14%,
36%, and 7% of children of HBV carrier/infected mothers, respec-

Author Biographies

Julfina Bisanto
Department of Child Heath, Medical School, University of In-
donesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Imral Chair
Department of Child Heath, Medical School, University of In-
donesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Dyah Istikowati
Department of Child Heath, Medical School, University of In-
donesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Bisanto J, Chair I, Istikowati D. Hepatitis B serologic patterns in children of HBV carriers or infected mothers. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 31Jan.2025];44(5):176-0. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/759
Received 2016-10-02
Accepted 2016-10-02
Published 2016-10-10