
  • M Arimbawa
  • I Komang Kari
  • N S Laksminingsih
Keywords: Neurocysticercosis (NCC), 11-year old Balinese boy


In this paper we report a case of NCC in an 11-
year old Balinese boy.

Author Biographies

M Arimbawa
Departments of Child Health, Medical School, University of Udayana, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar
I Komang Kari
Departments of Child Health, Medical School, University of Udayana, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar
N S Laksminingsih
Departments of Radiology, Medical School, University of Udayana, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar


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How to Cite
Arimbawa M, Kari I, Laksminingsih N. Neurocysticercosis. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 19Mar.2025];44(4):165-0. Available from:
Case Report
Received 2016-09-30
Accepted 2016-09-30
Published 2016-10-10