Free testosterone level in patients with homozygous beta thalassemia on regular transfusions regimen

  • Riadi Wirawan
  • Elly Santosa
  • Lyana Setiawan
  • Bulan Ginting Munthe
  • Dalima AW Astrawinata
Keywords: homozygous beta thalassemia, regular transfusions, iron overload, free testosterone level


Background Patients with homozygous beta thalassemia require
regular transfusions which will lead to iron deposition in tissues
including testicles.
Objective This study aimed to evaluate testicular function in syn-
thesizing testosterone by measuring free testosterone level. The
correlation between free testosterone level and transferrin satura-
tion was evaluated.
Methods This was a cross sectional study. Sampling was done
consecutively. Free testosterone level was measured by radioim-
munoassay in 20 homozygous beta thalassemic patients receiv-
ing regular transfusions and compared to 20 healthy subjects.
Results Fourteen out of 20 patients showed free testosterone level
below the reference range. Out of 20 thalassemic patients, one
patient’s serum was not enough for transferrin saturation determi-
nation. Among the 19 patients, 18 had transferrin saturation above
55%, 1 less than 55%, while all healthy subjects had normal trans-
ferrin saturation. A significant difference was found between the
two groups, both in the free testosterone level (p=0.001) and trans-
ferrin saturation (p<0.001). A very weak correlation was found be-
tween free testosterone level and transferrin saturation (r=-0.215).
Conclusion We concluded that there might be a relationship be-
tween iron overload and testicular endocrine function in patients
with homozygous beta thalassemia receiving regular transfusions

Author Biographies

Riadi Wirawan
Departments of Clinical Pathology, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Elly Santosa
Departments of Clinical Pathology, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Lyana Setiawan
Departments of Clinical Pathology, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Bulan Ginting Munthe
Departments of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Dalima AW Astrawinata
Departments of Clinical Pathology, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta


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How to Cite
Wirawan R, Santosa E, Setiawan L, Munthe B, Astrawinata D. Free testosterone level in patients with homozygous beta thalassemia on regular transfusions regimen. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 14Mar.2025];44(2):73-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-29
Accepted 2016-09-29
Published 2016-10-10