Comparison of continuous infusion and bolus administration of tramadol in postoperative children

  • Jeanne-Roos Tikoalu
  • Darlan Darwis
  • Bambang Madiyono
Keywords: tramadol, postoperative children, continuous infusion, bolus, objective pain scale (OPS)


Objective To appraise the efficacy of tramadol therapy given by
continuous infusion and bolus in handling child’s postoperative pain
that is mostly inadequate.
Methods This was a randomized, single-blinded clinical trial with
parallel design. The study was done in the operation room, recov-
ery room, pediatric intensive care unit, pediatric surgery, and pedi-
atric ward of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia.
There were sixty patients, 1-12 year-old, with elective operation
between January and April 2002. Both groups received bolus of
2mg/kg tramadol as an initial dose. Twenty-nine subjects received
continuous infusion of 0.22 mg/kg/h tramadol in 15 minutes after-
wards. The other 31 subjects received the same boluses for every
6 hours. Before each tramadol administration, evaluation was done
by observer using objective pain scale (OPS) and evaluation sheet
that had been tested before the study. The study was done within
24 hours post surgery.
Results In the first 6 postoperative hours, mean total dose given
by continuous infusion was significantly greater than that given by
bolus (p=0.006). On the contrary, mean total dose given within 24
hours by continuous infusion was significantly less than that given
by bolus (p=0.037). All subjects showed OPS result of 36 in 0 minute.
After that, the result decreased, except in 9 subjects it was still >6
in the 15 th minute. Vomiting was the commonest side effect.
Conclusion Continuous infusion of tramadol within 24 hours can
be recommended as an analgesic in postoperative children

Author Biographies

Jeanne-Roos Tikoalu
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
Darlan Darwis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
Bambang Madiyono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.


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How to Cite
Tikoalu J-R, Darwis D, Madiyono B. Comparison of continuous infusion and bolus administration of tramadol in postoperative children. PI [Internet]. 26Sep.2016 [cited 23Mar.2025];43(5):165-0. Available from:
Received 2016-09-24
Accepted 2016-09-24
Published 2016-09-26