Obesity among children aged 10-13 years in public and private elementary schools

  • Evi Kamelia
  • Nurdiani Nurdiani
  • Tiansa Sembiring
  • Hakimi Hakimi
  • Iskandar Z Lubis
Keywords: obesity, prevalence, public school, private school


Background In the last few years, the prevalence of obesity among
Indonesian children has been beginning to increase slowly, but
studies and publications about obesity are limited. In accordance
with the improvement of social economic and child health, obesity
can be seen more frequently as a problem in children.
Objective To evaluate and compare the prevalence and related
factors of obesity among children 10-13 year-old who were stu-
dents of two kinds of school, namely public and private elementary
Methods A cross sectional study was done from October until
December 1995 on 276 elementary school students aged 10-13
years consisting of 138 public and 138 private elementary school
students. Data were collected by a questionnaire including anam-
nesis of family history and type of daily diet, physical examination,
and anthropometric measurement.
Results The prevalence of obesity among children in the public
and private elementary schools was 9% and 20% respectively,
which showed a significant difference (p<0.01). The prevalence of
obesity among children was significantly related to parents’ wel-
fare, excessive daily calorie intake, level of physical activity, and
obesity problem in the family.
Conclusion The prevalence of obesity in students of private and
public elementary schools was 20% and 9% respectively. Social
economic level, calorie intake, sport activities, and obesity prob-
lems in the family are factors related to the prevalence of child

Author Biographies

Evi Kamelia
Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North
Sumatera/Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan.
Nurdiani Nurdiani
Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North
Sumatera/Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan.
Tiansa Sembiring
Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North
Sumatera/Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan.
Hakimi Hakimi
Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North
Sumatera/Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan.
Iskandar Z Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North
Sumatera/Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan.


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How to Cite
Kamelia E, Nurdiani N, Sembiring T, Hakimi H, Lubis I. Obesity among children aged 10-13 years in public and private elementary schools. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 30Jan.2025];43(2):38-1. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/658
Received 2016-09-22
Accepted 2016-09-22
Published 2016-10-10