Pattern of newborn babies delivered by cesarean section

  • Guslihan D Tjipta
  • Riza I Nasution
  • Dachrul Aldy
  • Zakaria Siregar
Keywords: cesarean section, newborn baby, placenta praevia, multigravida


Background The birth rate in Indonesia is still high and abnormal
labor constitutes 15% of all deliveries which needs cesarean sec-
tion as a solution for complicated cases.
Objectives To find the general physical condition of babies born
after cesarean section as well as the characteristics of mothers
who underwent cesarean section.
Methods A retrospective study on newborn babies delivered by
cesarean section conducted in Subdivision of Neonatology, Medi-
cal School, University of North Sumatera-Pirngadi Hospital Medan,
in period of 2 years (1991-1992).
Results There were 8762 babies born during the study period,
1484 babies (16.93%) delivered by cesarean section due to pla-
centa previa (26.2%), prolonged labor (15.8%), cephalopelvic dis-
proportion (10.3%), neglected labor (9.9%), eclampsia/preeclamp-
sia (8.1%), fetal distress (7.5%), previous section (6.6%), breech
presentation (5.7%), solutio placenta (4.0%), and others (5.9%). It
was shown that mothers undergoing caesarean section was mainly
20-30 years old (66.4%), multigravida (47.8%), term gestational
age (79.4%), and minimal antenatal care (61.3%). There were 1224
(82.5%) babies with birth weight >2500 grams and 894 (60.2%)
suffered from asphyxia.
Conclusions The evidence of asphyxia by cesarean section and
low birth weight group was significantly different from those nor-
mally delivered (p<0.001). The mortality rate was 11.5% due to
still birth 29.2%, RDS 18.3%, sepsis 15.5%, pneumonia 12.3%,
and gastroenteritis 11.5%

Author Biographies

Guslihan D Tjipta
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera-Pirngadi /Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Riza I Nasution
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera-Pirngadi /Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Dachrul Aldy
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera-Pirngadi /Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Zakaria Siregar
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera-Pirngadi /Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Tjipta G, Nasution R, Aldy D, Siregar Z. Pattern of newborn babies delivered by cesarean section. PI [Internet]. 24Sep.2016 [cited 24Jan.2025];43(1):20-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-22
Accepted 2016-09-22
Published 2016-09-24