Influence of educative game instrument on children's motor development in child day care

  • Lucie Permana Sari
  • Sri Sofyani
  • Bistok Saing
  • Iskandar Z. Lubis
Keywords: educative game instrument, child day care center, Denver-II developmental screening test, Cronbach's motor skills scale


Background Child day care center is an institution functioning to
help families to fulfil their child's need by providing stimulation with
educative game instrument (EGI) while they work outside home.
Objectives To evaluate motor development of children at child day
care center with EGI stimulation compared with that of children
without stimulation.
Methods An experimental study using pretest-posttest control group
design was cartied out on children aged 2 to 5 years old, at Islamic Center
Day Care Center (without EGI) and Tanah-Besi Day Care Center in
Tebing Tinggi (with EGI for six months). Inclusion criteria: healthy,
well-nourished children aged 2 to 5 years with informed consent, no
developmental delay (confirmed by Denver-II developmental screening
test). Exclusion criteria: pre term birth children. Forty subjects were
selected by means of simple random sampling. Research data were
taken with Cronbach's motor skills scale. Subjects consisted of 3 to 4
years old children, mostly four years old.
Results Motor skills scores (mean; SD) of the Islamic Center
Day Care Center group and Tanah-Besi Day Care Center group
before stimulation were 104.9; 10.37 and 104.7; 5.47 (P=0.923),
respectively, and after stimulation 105.2; 9.56 and 135.3; 7.67 (P<
0.001), respectively. Motor skills scores (mean; SD) of Tanah-Besi
Day Care Center group before and after stimulation were 104.7; 5.4 7
and 135.3; 7.67 (P< 0.001) respectively. Motor skill dimensions score
(mean; SD) ofTanah-Besi Day Care Center group before and after
stimulation: speed 28.9; 1.75 and 38.8; 2.79, stability 22.3; 1.02 and
30.6; 1.57, accuracy 20.3; 1.15 and 26.7; 1.63, strength 33.3; 1.55
and 39.1; 1.68, respectively with P< 0.001.
Conclusions There is a significant difference in motor skills
scores and motor skill dimensions of children who receive EGI
stimulation compared to those who do not.

Author Biographies

Lucie Permana Sari
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Sri Sofyani
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Bistok Saing
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Iskandar Z. Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Sari L, Sofyani S, Saing B, Lubis I. Influence of educative game instrument on children’s motor development in child day care. PI [Internet]. 15Sep.2016 [cited 9Mar.2025];48(6):315-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-14
Accepted 2016-09-14
Published 2016-09-15