Knowledge, attitude, and behavior of pregnant women on early initiation of breastfeeding

  • Yoke Ayukarningsih Department of Child Heath, Jendral A Yani Medical School
  • Sutedja Sutedja Department of Child Heath, Jendral A Yani Medical School
  • Anna Mardiyah Department of Child Heath, Jendral A Yani Medical School
Keywords: early initiation of breastfeeding, know ledge, attitude, behavior


Background Infant mortality rate is an indicator of the degree of
health in society. In Indonesia, the infant mortality rate remains
high, with most deaths occurring in the first 24 hours of life.
Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce infant mortality, especially
if undertaken in the first hour of life. This practice is known
as early initiation of breastfeeding (EIB). According to various
studies, EIB implementation may be influen ced by many factors
such as knowledge, attitude, behavior, and health care facilities.
Objective To assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and behavior
of pregnant women towards EIB.
Methods We conducted a descriptive study using questionnaires
on 74 pregnant women in the outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and
Gynecology Department, Dustira Hospital, Cimahi, West Java,
Indonesia from November to December 2012.
Results Out of 74 respondents, 21 % had a good level of knowledge
on EIB, 23% had an adequate knowledge, and 56% had less than
adequate knowledge on EIB. A positive attitude towards EIB
was found in 65% of the respondents, while 35% had a negative
attitude. With regards to behavior conducive to EIB, 8% of
respondents had good behavior, 57% had moderate behaviot; and
35%had less than adequate behavior.
Conclusion Majority of pregnant women have less than adequate
knowledge on EIB, a positive attitude towards EIB, and moderate
to less than adequate behavior conducive to EIB.


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How to Cite
Ayukarningsih Y, Sutedja S, Mardiyah A. Knowledge, attitude, and behavior of pregnant women on early initiation of breastfeeding. PI [Internet]. 30Jun.2014 [cited 31Jan.2025];54(3):174-0. Available from:
Received 2016-09-09
Accepted 2016-09-09
Published 2014-06-30