Mortality, length of hospital stay, and nutritional status improvement in severely malnourished children with HIV infection in a tertiary center

  • Yoga Devaera Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: protein energy malnutrition, mortality, HN infection


Background Severe malnutrition contributes to child mortality
rates, especially in children under five HIV infection further increases the risk of death.
Objective To evaluate the impact of HIV infection on mortality,
length of hospital stay and improvement of nutritional status in
severely malnourished inpatients under five Methods This retrospective study included children aged less than
5 years and admitted to a terti ary hospital for severe malnutrition.
We excluded those with incomplete data, as well as those
transferred to other hospitals or discharged against medical advice.
Outcome measures were live/death status, length of hospital stay
and improvement of nutritional status (weight gain and improved
weightô€€forô€€height Z score).
Results Of 104 eligible patients, 97 were included as study
subjects. Their mean ages were 25.8 (SD 17.3) months for
HIY-infected children and 16.3 (SD 15.3) months for HIYuninfected
children. Death occurred in 31.8% and 18.7% of
HIVô€€infected and uninfected subjects, respectively. Median
length of hospital stay was 14.5 (range 5ô€€51) days and 11
(range 1ô€€99) days, respectively. There were no statistically
significant differences in between the two groups. Weightô€€forô€€height Z scores (WHZ) on
admission and discharge in HIVô€€infected children were lower
than those of uninfected children, but the weight gain (median
weight gain of 0.45 (-0.26 to 1.9) kg vs 0.38 (-0.81 to 2.2) kg
in HIVô€€infected and uninfected children, respectively) and
improvement of WHZ [1 (SD 1.1) vs 0.9 (SD 1), respectively]
were similar.
Conc l usion Severely malnourished children with HIV
infection had higher mortality rate, and longer hospitalizations
than the uninfected group, although the differences were not
statistically signific ant. They also had lower mean WHZ scores
at admission and discharge, butnutritionalimprovement was

similar to those who were HIVô€€negative. [Paediatr Indones.


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How to Cite
Devaera Y. Mortality, length of hospital stay, and nutritional status improvement in severely malnourished children with HIV infection in a tertiary center. PI [Internet]. 31Dec.2012 [cited 31Jan.2025];52(6):362-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-08
Accepted 2016-09-08
Published 2012-12-31