Differences of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of nucleoprotein (N) gene between wild-type measles virus and vaccine virus in Indonesia

  • Made Setiawan
  • Agus Sjahrurachman
  • Fera Ibrahim
  • Agus Suwandono
Keywords: measles, wild-type, vaccine-type, n gene


Background Measles virus is a member of genus morbilivirus
which belongs to family paramyxovirus with negative, single-
strand RNA genome. RNA is packed by nucleocapsid (N) protein.
The N protein is very important for RNA replication and
translation. Abnormality in N protein will induce abnormality in
virus replication.
Objective This study aimed to explore the differences of
nucleotide sequence of N gene and amino acid sequences of N
protein between wild-type measles virus (G2, G3 and D9) and
vaccine virus (CAM-70, Schwarz and Edmonston-wt)
Methods The exctraction and amplification of the gene were
conducted in the laboratory using biomolecular technology. The
gene and protein analysis were conducted using the bioinformatic
Results The results showed that more differences were found
between nucleotide sequences of N gene of wild-type measles
virus against CAM-70 vaccine virus (77 – 79 nucleotides)
compared against Schwarz and Edmonston-wt vaccine virus (71-
74 nucleotides). Likewise, more differences were also observed
between amino acid sequences of N protein of wild-type measles
virus against CAM-70 vaccine virus (18-24 residues) compared
against Schwarz and Edmonston-wt vaccine virus (17-23 residues).

Author Biographies

Made Setiawan
Department of Child Health, Infectious Diseases Hospital Prof.
Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta, Indonesia
Agus Sjahrurachman
Department Microbiology, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fera Ibrahim
Department Microbiology, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Agus Suwandono
National Institute Health Research and Development,


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How to Cite
Setiawan M, Sjahrurachman A, Ibrahim F, Suwandono A. Differences of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of nucleoprotein (N) gene between wild-type measles virus and vaccine virus in Indonesia. PI [Internet]. 1May2008 [cited 14Mar.2025];48(2):81-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/483
Received 2016-09-07
Accepted 2016-09-07
Published 2008-05-01