Plasma lipid profile and leptin concentration in super-obese children

  • Aryono Hendarto
  • Sri Sudaryati Nasar
  • Damayanti Rusli Sjarif
Keywords: children, obesity, leptin, lipid profile


Background Leptin induced weight loss is completely specific
for adipose tissue loss, whereas food restriction result in both loss
of adipose tissue and lean body mass in mammals. Most obese
person has high endogenous leptin levels, indicating leptin
resistance. There has been lack of data regarding plasma leptin
level in Indonesian obese children.
Objective This study was aimed to investigate the plasma leptin
level and lipid profile in super-obese children.
Methods This was a cross sectional study performed in Pediatric
Out Patient Clinic Mangunkusumo Hospital and Private Women
& Children Hospital in Eastern part of Jakarta. Super-obese is
defined as children with BMI above 97 centiles CDC 2000 chart.
Blood sample was obtained from all subjects, consisted of
peripheral blood picture, lipid profiles and leptin level.
Results Seventy nine super-obese children were eligible with age
ranged between 12 months and 180 months and mean of age was
84.9 months (SD 36.8). More than 60% subjects had high LDL
cholesterol, while 19% had low HDL level. The lowest leptin
blood level was 2.877 μ g/dL, while the highest was 70.430 μ g/dL
(mean 23.990; SD 12.726). Forty five subjects, all boys, had
increased plasma leptin level.
Conclusions In super-obese children, most of the subject
experienced hyperlipidemia (LDL cholesterol) followed by
hypertriglyceridemia. There was small number of low HDL
cholesterol found. Super-obese girls had normal serum leptin level,
in contrast, more than 60% super-obese boys had elevated serum
leptin level.

Author Biographies

Aryono Hendarto
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Sri Sudaryati Nasar
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Damayanti Rusli Sjarif
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Hendarto A, Nasar S, Sjarif D. Plasma lipid profile and leptin concentration in super-obese children. PI [Internet]. 31Oct.2007 [cited 20Sep.2024];47(5):221-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-01
Accepted 2016-09-01
Published 2007-10-31