Physical activity assessments in obese and non-obese adolescents using the Bouchard diary

  • Fitri Primacakti Department of Child Health, University of lndonesia Medical School
  • Damayanti R. Sjarif Department of Child Health, University of lndonesia Medical School
  • Najib Advani Department of Child Health, University of lndonesia Medical School
Keywords: physical activity, obese, adolescents, Bouchard diary


Background Obesity is now a global epidemic problem. Increased
prevalence of obesity is associated with increased sedentary
beh avior and low physical activity.
Objective To assess the physical activity patterns of adolescents
aged 10-15 years and to compare mean energy output, intensity
of physical activity, duration of moderate-vigorously intensity of
physical activity, and length of screen time in obese and non-obese
Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted on 7th and
3th grade students aged 12-15 years at 216 junior high schools in
West Jakarta. Physical activity was assessed using th e Bouchard
diary for 2 school days and 1 holiday.
Results There was no significant differen ce in mean energy
output between th e obese and non-obese adolescent s. Th e
median intensity of physical activity of obese adolescents was
lower than that of non-obese adolescents [1.5 (range 0.8 to 1.8)
vs. 2 (range 1.6 to 2.8) METs, respectively; P <0.00 1] . The mean
duration of moderate-vigorous intensity of physical activity in
obese adolescents was shorter than that of non-obese adolescents
[19.3 (SD 6.9) vs. 26.4 (SD3.4) minutes, respectively; P= 0.000].
Median length of screen time was longer for obese adolescents
than for non -obese adolescents [2.8 (range 1 to 6.6) vs. 1.8
(range 0.3 to 6.1) hours, respectively; P < 0.001]. There was no
adolescent who met the recommended physical activity intensity
and duration criteria.
Conclusion Physical activity varies among adolescents aged
10- 15 years. Obese adolescents have signific antly less physical
activity duration and intensity than n on-obese adolescents, but
significantly longer screen time. All adolescents' physical activity
is less than the recommended intensity and duration.


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How to Cite
Primacakti F, Sjarif D, Advani N. Physical activity assessments in obese and non-obese adolescents using the Bouchard diary. PI [Internet]. 30Jun.2014 [cited 12Mar.2025];54(3):137-. Available from:
Received 2016-08-31
Accepted 2016-08-31
Published 2014-06-30