Repeat urine cultures in children with urinary tract infection

  • Risky Vitria Prasetyo Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School/Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya
  • Ninik Asmaningsih Soemyarso Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School/Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya
  • Mohammad Sjaifullah Noer Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School/Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya
Keywords: repeat urine atlture, children, urinary tract infection


Background Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second
leading cause of infection in children, following respiratory
tract infections. Repeat urine cultures after antibiotic treatment
are routinely obtained in clinical practice to verify proof of
bacteriologic cure. The American Academy of Pediatrics does
not recommended repeat cultures, due to increased cost and
discomfort to patients.
Objective To determine the frequency of positive repeat urine
cultures after 3 days of antibiotics in children 'With UTIs.
Methods We conducted a retrospective study on children
with UTIs who visited the Division of Pediatric Nephrology,
Department of Child Health at Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya
from January 2006 to December 2011. Results of repeat urine
cultures were obtained after 3 days of antibiotic treatment.
Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.
Results Of the 779 pediatric UTI cases, repeat urine cultures
were performed in 264 (33.9%) cases. Of the 264 patients who
comprised our study, there were similar numbers of girls and boys
(50.4% vs. 49.6%, respectively). The mean age of patients was
43.9 (SD 1.59) months and 35.5% of subjects were aged under 1
year. In the initial urine cultures of our subjects, Escherichia coli
was the most common organism found, v,ith 92 cases (34.8%),
compared to 58 cases (21.9%) of Klebsiella pneumoniae and 29
cases (10.9%) of Pseudom.onas aeruginosa. Repeat urine cultures
showed no bacterial growth in 168 cases (63.6%).
Conclusion Mostly negative repeat urine cultures v,ill probably
obviate the need of this test in daily routine practice. [Paediatr


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How to Cite
Prasetyo R, Soemyarso N, Noer M. Repeat urine cultures in children with urinary tract infection. PI [Internet]. 30Jun.2012 [cited 9Mar.2025];52(3):170-. Available from:
Received 2016-08-30
Accepted 2016-08-30
Published 2012-06-30