Hyperlactacemia in critically ill children: comparison of traditional and Fencl-Stewart methods

  • Hari Kushartono
  • Antonius H. Pudjiadi
  • Susetyo Harry Purwanto
  • Imral Chair
  • Darlan Darwis
  • Abdul Latief
Keywords: Hyperlactacemia, Fencyl-Stewart method, acid base status


Background Base excess is a single variable used to quantify
metabolic component of acid base status. Several researches have
combined the traditional base excess method with the Stewart
method for acid base physiology called as Fencl-Stewart method.
Objective The purpose of the study was to compare two different
methods in identifying hyperlactacemia in pediatric patients with
critical illness.
Methods The study was performed on 43 patients admitted to
the pediatric intensive care unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo
Hospital, Jakarta. Sodium, potassium, chloride, albumin, lactate
and arterial blood gases were measured. All samples were taken
from artery of all patients. Lactate level of >2 mEq/L was defined
as abnormal. Standard base excess (SBE) was calculated from
the standard bicarbonate derived from Henderson-Hasselbalch
equation and reported on the blood gas analyzer. Base excess
unmeasured anions (BE UA ) was calculated using the Fencl-Stewart
method simplified by Story (2003). Correlation between lactate
levels in traditional and Fencl-Stewart methods were measured
by Pearson’s correlation coefficient .
Results Elevated lactate levels were found in 24 (55.8%) patients.
Lactate levels was more strongly correlated with BE UA (r = - 0.742,
P<0.01) than with SBE (r = - 0.516, P<0.01).
Conclusion Fencl-Stewart method is better than traditional
method in identifying patients with elevated lactate levels, so the
Fencl-Stewart method is suggested to use in clinical practice.

Author Biographies

Hari Kushartono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Airlangga
University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Antonius H. Pudjiadi
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Susetyo Harry Purwanto
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Imral Chair
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Darlan Darwis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Abdul Latief
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Kushartono H, Pudjiadi A, Purwanto S, Chair I, Darwis D, Latief A. Hyperlactacemia in critically ill children: comparison of traditional and Fencl-Stewart methods. PI [Internet]. 28Feb.2007 [cited 16Mar.2025];47(1):35-1. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/340
Received 2016-08-25
Accepted 2016-08-25
Published 2007-02-28