Tuberculosis score chart signs and symptoms in children with positive tuberculin skin tests

  • Finny Fitry Yani the Departments of Child Health, Andalas University Medical School, M.Djamil Hospital, Padang
  • Rizanda Machmoed the Departments of Public Health, Andalas University Medical School, M.Djamil Hospital, Padang
  • Marhefdison Marhefdison the Departments of Child Health, Andalas University Medical School, M.Djamil Hospital, Padang
  • Darfioes Basir the Departments of Child Health, Andalas University Medical School, M.Djamil Hospital, Padang
Keywords: tuberculosis score chart, children, signs, symptoms


Background The Indonesian Pediatrics Respirology Working
Group (IPRWG) developed the tuberculosis (TB) score
chart to assist in diagnosing TB in community health centers
Objectives To document signs and symptoms of the IPRWG TB
score chart, to analyze various combinations of these signs and
symptoms, and to compare these combinations in children with
TB to those without TB, based on a TB score chart.
Methods We performed a cross-sectional study from July to
October 2008, in Padang, Bukittinggi and Pasaman. We recruited
children with known positive tuberculin skin tests (TST) from a
2006 tuberculin survey. Questionnaires on signs and symptoms
(IPRWG TB score chart) were completed and chest radiographs
were obtained for all children. Subjects fulfilling a total score of
six or more were considered to have a diagnosis of TB.
Results We diagnosed TB in 78/285 (27.3%) subjects. A score
value of3 for the category of household contact (HHC) positive
smears was added in 21/78 subjects. However, the highest risk for
TB disease was found in those diagnosed with no clear history of
HHC (58.9%; OR 192, 95% CI 22 to 1679). The highest risk
factors for TB were suggestive chest X-ray (34.6%; OR 9.2, 95%
CI 3.6 to 23 .4) and fever lasting > 2 weeks (17.9%; OR 8, 95%
CI 2.2 to 29.1), respectively. Of 46 children with TB diagnosis
but without HHC, the combination of undernourishment, lymph
node enlargement and suggestive chest X-ray was highest (28.2%).
Individual or dual combination signs and symptoms were also
found in children without TB diagnosis.
Conclusion Various combinations of signs and symptoms could
lead to fulfillment of scoring for TB diagnosis. [Paediatr lndones.
2012;5 2: 78-85].


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How to Cite
Yani F, Machmoed R, Marhefdison M, Basir D. Tuberculosis score chart signs and symptoms in children with positive tuberculin skin tests. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2012 [cited 28Mar.2025];52(2):78-5. Available from:
Received 2016-08-22
Accepted 2016-08-22
Published 2012-04-30