Some factors related to lipid profile in obese children at junior high schools in Manado

  • Anneke Helena Tangkilisan
  • Kartin Akune
Keywords: Obese children, risk factors, lipid profile, television


Background Factors related to lipid profile in obese children are
calorie intake, fast food consuming habit, gender, physical activity,
television (TV) watching, sleep duration, and visceral fat distribution.
Objective To determine factors related to lipid profile in obese
children at junior high school.
Methods We studied obese children aged 11-<15 years from
November 2004 to February 2005 at junior high school in Manado
city. One hundred and seven junior high school children aged 11-<15
years were enrolled in this study, excluding children with acute disease,
having hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease, liver
disease, and using corticosteroid. The rsik factors considered were
calorie intake, fast food consuming habit, gender, physical activity, TV
watching, sleep duration, and waist circumference. The outcome
measures were total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, non-HDL cholesterol,
and triglyceride. Data was analyzed using X 2 , fisher exact test, Spearman’s
rho and multiple linear regression analysis with stepwise procedure.
Results The prevalence of increased total cholesterol was 28%,
LDL 44%, triglyceride 16.8%, low HDL cholesterol 6.5%, and non-
HDL was 23.3%. There were statistically significant relationship
between gender, calorie intake, fast food consuming habit, physical
activity, TV watching, sleep duration, and total cholesterol. There
were also statistically significant relationship between calorie intake,
habit of consuming fast food, physical activity, TV watching, sleep
duration, and LDL cholesterol. Fast food consuming habit and TV
watching also had statistically significant relationship with HDL
cholesterol. There were statistically significant relationship between
calorie intake, physical activity, TV watching, and sleep duration
with non-HDL cholesterol.
Conclusion Duration of TV watching, sleep duration, less physical
activity and waist circumference >98 percentile are correlated
with hyperlipidemia in obese children.

Author Biographies

Anneke Helena Tangkilisan
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.
Kartin Akune
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Tangkilisan A, Akune K. Some factors related to lipid profile in obese children at junior high schools in Manado. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2007 [cited 14Feb.2025];47(4):166-1. Available from:
Received 2016-08-30
Accepted 2016-08-30
Published 2007-08-31