Nutrition Education to the Community

  • SOEMILAH SASTROAMIDJOJO Derparternernt of Nutrition, Medical School~ Unwersity of Indonesia, Jakarta
Keywords: nutrition education; food supply


The improvement of the nutritional status of the Indonesian children require an increase in food production, per capita income, level of education, better environmental hygiene, immunization and health services and nutrition education.

Nutrition education is an important as an adequate food supply (by the government) and purchasing power as long as long as ignorance and superstitions concerning food are present.

The importance of nutrition education is realized by the lndonesian government and is reflected in its Five Years Development Plans.

Nutrition education will be emphasized and included in the program of health improvement.

There should be ''educators" (in nutrition) available to make this program a success.

The medical doctor, even more the pediatrician, is potentially, the right person as nutrition educator. However, the clue is that each doctor realizes the importance of nutrition education and does nutrition education, making the best use of his/her potentials.


1. RANCANGAN RENCANA PEMBANGUNAN LIMA TAHUN, KEDUA, TI B, Bab. 25, hal. 2, 9, 23 (1974- 1979).
2. RULANTI SETYODIRGO : Nutrition Education for Mothers in Cimacan Subvillages (Rarahan and Kubang). Thesis for Diploma, The Regional Graduate Applied Nutrition Course SEAMEO, Jakarta (1974).
3. SOEMARKO TIRTODHIATMO Pendidikan Gizi (hand out, 1973).
4. TAN M.G. and DJUMADIAS : Social and Cultural Aspects of Food Patterns and Food Habits in Five rural Areas in Indonesia. National Institute of Economics and Social Research (LEKNAS) - - LIPI and Directorate of Nutrition, Ministry of Health R.I., Jakarta (1970).
How to Cite
SASTROAMIDJOJO S. Nutrition Education to the Community. PI [Internet]. 12Sep.2019 [cited 21Feb.2025];16(1-2):42-. Available from:
Pediatric Nutrition & Metabolic Disease
Received 2019-09-12
Published 2019-09-12