Correlation of renal volume to renal function and blood pressures in low birth weight children

  • Ekawaty Larope Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University Medical School/Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital
  • Adrian Umboh Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University Medical School/Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital
  • Rocky Wilar Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University Medical School/Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital
Keywords: renal volume, renal function, low birth weight, blood pressure


Background Disruption of nephrogenesis in low birth weight
(LBW) infant leads to decreases in nephron number and
renal volume, resulting in renal hyperfunction and eventually,
Objective To assess for a possible correlation of renal volume to
renal function and blood pressures in low birth weight children
aged 7 -8 years.
Methods We conducted a retrospective cohort study on children
aged 7-8 years in Manado, who were born LBW or n ormal
birth weight (NBW). Renal function was assessed by measuring
blood cyctatin-C level while renal volume was determined using
ultrasound measurements of renal length x width x thickness
(cm3). Ttest was used to compare renal volume and cystatin-C
levels in LBW children to NBW children. Pearson's correlation
test was used to assess the relationship of renal volume to renal
function and blood pressure in low birth weight children.
Results Subjects were 48 LBW and 48 NBW children. Mean
renal volumes were 7 8.28 (SD 7 .96) cm3 in the LBW group and
103.68 (SD 12.52) cm3 in the NBW group (P< 0.01). The mean
cystatin-C levels, as a measure of renal function, were 0.81 (SD
0.07) mg/Lin the LBW group and in 0.73 (SD 0.06) mg/Lin
the NBW group (P< 0.01). There was no correlation between
renal volume and cystatin-C level (r=-0.169; P>0,05) as well
as between renal volume and systolic (r=-0.07, P>0.05) and
dias tolic blood pressure (r=-0.123, P>0.05).
Conclusion Mean renal volume is lower in the LBW group
than in the NBW group, but is not correlated to decreased renal
function or blood pressures.


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How to Cite
Larope E, Umboh A, Wilar R. Correlation of renal volume to renal function and blood pressures in low birth weight children. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2014 [cited 29Jan.2025];54(2):73-. Available from:
Received 2016-08-17
Accepted 2016-08-17
Published 2014-04-30