Prevalence of Heart Disease of Elementary Schoolchildren in a Well-To-Do Population Group, Jakarta 1973

  • Maemunah B. Affandi Department of Child Health and Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • L.A. Tamaela Department of Child Health and Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • R. Widodo Talogo Department of Child Health and Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Keywords: heart disease, schoolchildren


This study, using as the screening method the presence of heart murmurs, yielded only 28 suspected cases of heart disease. Eight out of the 28 cases were definitely heart disease cases. Two with acquired heart disease (mitral insufficiency) and six with congenital heart disease (4 ventricular septal defect, one atrial septal defect, one patent ductus arteriosus). Growth retardation was observed in 7 children regarding their heights and weights which were less than the lower limit for the normal heights and weights for schoolchildren in Jakarta.


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How to Cite
Affandi M, Tamaela L, Talogo R. Prevalence of Heart Disease of Elementary Schoolchildren in a Well-To-Do Population Group, Jakarta 1973. PI [Internet]. 16Jun.2017 [cited 6Feb.2025];19(1-2):41-. Available from:
Received 2017-06-14
Published 2017-06-16