Profile of Mother's Knowledge and Behavior Toward Stimulation and Their Babies' Development in an Urban Poor Area in Jakarta

  • Titi S. Sularyo Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Ulynar Marpaung Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Arwin A. P. Akib Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: stimulation, mother's knowledge and behaviour, fine motor


This was a field study carried out in all Posyandus located in Pulo Gadung, a poor urban of East Jakarta, from April until October 1998. Three hundred and fourteen mothers and their babies were recruited. Most of the mothers (67.2%) aged from 20-29 years old, with low education level (42.4%) and a low income (19.4%). Almost all respondents were housewives and the average number of children was two (34.7%). The most important source of information for the respondents was the electronic media. Almost half of mothers behaved well toward stimulation of their babies development (49.4%); however, 64.3% had low knowledge especially about the time baby could sit upright with a good head control. Those who behaved fairly and poorly comprised 35.7% and 15%, respectively. It seems that fine motor sector was neglected. There was no significant association between mother’s knowledge and behavior towards stimulation and the development of their respective babies (p<0.5722). It revealed also that the income per capita had significant association with development of the babies (p=0.033).


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How to Cite
Sularyo T, Marpaung U, Akib A. Profile of Mother’s Knowledge and Behavior Toward Stimulation and Their Babies’ Development in an Urban Poor Area in Jakarta. PI [Internet]. 30Oct.1999 [cited 6Feb.2025];39(9-10):278-6. Available from:
Received 2018-02-14
Accepted 2018-02-14
Published 1999-10-30