High sensitivity C-reactive protein, left ventricular mass, and systolic function in obese adolescents

  • Erling David Kaunang Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University Medical School, Manado.
  • Suryani As’ad Department of Child Health, Hasanuddin University Medical School, Makassar.
  • Sarah M. Warouw Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi University Medical School, Manado.
  • Peter Kabo Department of Child Health,Hasanuddin University Medical School, Makassar.
Keywords: hs-CRP, left ventricular mass, left ventricular function, obesity


Background Obesity has been associated with structural and functional cardiac muscle defects. High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) has been utilized as an independent predictor of future cardiovascular disease.
Objective To assess for correlations between hs-CRP, left ventricular mass, and systolic function in obese adolescents.
Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted from August 2013 to February 2014. Subjects were obese adolescents aged 13-18 years with a body mass index (BMI) >95th percentile, according to the 2000 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Growth Chart. Subjects underwent laboratory testing of serum hs-CRP levels, as well as left ventricular mass and function measurements by echocardiography. Descriptive analysis was performed on patients’ characteristics and correlation analysis was done by Pearson’s test with a significance level of P<0.05.
Results Subjects were 40 obese adolescents. There was no statistically significant correlation between hs-CRP and left ventricular mass (r=0.083; P=0.305). There was a moderate correlation between hs-CRP with ejection fraction (EF) (r=0.372 and P=0.009 ) and fractional shortening (FS) of the left ventricle (r=0.420 and P=0.003).
Conclusion In obese adolescents, we find no correlation between hs-CRP and left ventricular mass. However, hs-CRP is moderately correlated with left ventricular EF and FS.


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How to Cite
Kaunang ED, As’adS, Warouw SM, Kabo P. High sensitivity C-reactive protein, left ventricular mass, and systolic function in obese adolescents. PI [Internet]. 19Jul.2016 [cited 9Mar.2025];56(2):124-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/121
Pediatric Cardiology
Received 2016-07-19
Accepted 2016-07-19
Published 2016-07-19