Correlation between serum zinc level and simple febrile seizure in children

  • Lusiana Margaretha Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi Univetsity Medical School/Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou General Hospital, Manado
  • Nurhayati Masloman Department of Child Health, Sam Ratulangi Univetsity Medical School/Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou General Hospital, Manado
Keywords: febrile, seizure, zinc


Background Simple febrile seizure is the most common form of seizure which occurs during childhood period. Zinc, one of microelements in human body, has an important role in central nervous system formation.

Objectives To find out serum zinc level in simple febrile seizure patients and the correlation between serum zinc level and simple

febrile seizure.

Methods This cros-sectional study was conducted at R. D. Kandoll Hospital, Tingkat III Teling Hospital and Pancaran Kasih Hospital, Manado on April 5th - June 15th, 2009.

Results Diagnosis for febrile v.ithout seizure patients were 12 with acute respiratory tract infection (ARl), 6 dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), 6 acute diarrhea v.ithout dehydration and 1 ARI with DHF, while simple febrile seizure were 19 ARI, five acute diarrhea v.ithout dehydration and one ARI v.ith DHF. There were no significant differences of age, gender and nutritional status in two groups. F amily history of febrile seizure, febrile period and body temperature in two groups were significantly different. Mean serum zinc level in simple febrile seizure and febrile v.ithout seizure were 8.83 μmol/L and 13.72 μmol/L, respectively. Mean serum zinc level in simple febrile seizure children with seizure period <5 minutes, 5-<10 minutes and 10-15 minutes were 10.27 (SD 0.25)  μmol/L, 9.02 (SD 0.81) ) μmol/L and 6.90 (SD) 0.98 μmol/L, respectively.

Conclusions There is correlation between serum zinc level and simple febrile seizure. The lesser serum zinc level, the longer duration of seizure occurs in simple febrile seizure.


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How to Cite
Margaretha L, Masloman N. Correlation between serum zinc level and simple febrile seizure in children. PI [Internet]. 26Oct.2016 [cited 7Mar.2025];50(6):326-0. Available from:
Received 2016-10-18
Accepted 2016-10-18
Published 2016-10-26