Double blind clinical trial on a lactose-free and a lactose-containing formula in the treatment of acute diarrhea in children

  • Sri Lestari
  • Agus Firmansyah
  • Zakiudin Munasir
Keywords: diarrhea, milk formula, lactose-free formula, lactose intolerance


Background Lactose intolerance is a common complication of
diarrhea in young children particularly that due to rotaviral infec-
tion. A meta-analysis study evaluated the use of undiluted lactose
containing formula or cow’s milk during an episode of diarrhea. It
was concluded that routine dilution of milk and the use of lactose-
free milk formula are not necessary.
Objective To evaluate the effect of lactose free formula compared
with lactose-containing milk formula during acute diarrheal episode
in outpatient setting.
Methods A total of 56 children with acute diarrhea with mild-mod-
erate or no dehydration attending to the outpatient clinic were ran-
domly assigned to receive a lactose-free formula (Nestle Nan ® free
lactose) or lactose-containing milk formula (Nestle Nan 2 ® formula)
after initial rehydration. Comparisons of stool frequency, duration
of diarrhea and treatment failure rates were noted. Treatment fail-
ure was defined as clinical requirement for intravenous infusion
after rehydration or prolonged diarrhea (>7 days).
Results The duration of diarrhea was similar between the two
groups (P=0.195) in spite of two children who received lactose
free formula did not resolve from diarrhea within 7 days of treat-
ment. The median of stool frequency was indifferent in the two
groups (P=0.199) in rotavirus gastroenteritis; there were no differ-
ences in the duration of diarrhea or the stool frequency.
Conclusion Children without dehydration or with mild dehydra-
tion tolerated to lactose-containing formula as well as lactose-free
formula for the treatment of acute diarrhea

Author Biographies

Sri Lestari
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Agus Firmansyah
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Zakiudin Munasir
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Lestari S, Firmansyah A, Munasir Z. Double blind clinical trial on a lactose-free and a lactose-containing formula in the treatment of acute diarrhea in children. PI [Internet]. 18Oct.2016 [cited 24Oct.2024];46(6):271-. Available from:
Received 2016-10-17
Accepted 2016-10-17
Published 2016-10-18