Operation procedure of sacrococcygeal fetus in fetu

  • Rochadi Rochadi Department of Pediatric Smgery, Gadjah Mada University Medical School/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Central Java
Keywords: sacrococcygeal, fetus in fetu, operation procedure, newborn


Fetus in fetu is a condition in wich a fetiform calcified mass often presents in the abdomen of its host, a newborn. It is extremely rare condition, estimated once in 500,000 deliveries and has a 2: 1 male predominantly; with most patient presenting with an abdominal  mass in the first year of life. 5,13 The term fetus in fetu is used to point out an unequal division of totipotential cells of blastocyst where the result is the inclusion of a small cellular mass in the more mature embryo. It was encapsulated, pedunculated and represents a malformed monozygotic, monochorionic, diamniotic parasitic twin. In 80% cases, fetus in fetu is located  retroperitonealy but can be found in unusual location such as in oropharynx, neck, skull mediastinum, pelvis, iliac mesentery, adrenal gland, sacrococcygeal region and scrotal sac.


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How to Cite
Rochadi R. Operation procedure of sacrococcygeal fetus in fetu. PI [Internet]. 28Feb.2011 [cited 12Mar.2025];51(1):58-0. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/947
Case Report
Received 2016-10-17
Accepted 2016-10-17
Published 2011-02-28