Genetic problems at present and their challenges in the future: Thalassemia as a model

  • I Wahidiyat
  • P A Wahidiyat
Keywords: Genetic problems, Thalassemia


Compared to the infectious diseases, genetic
disorders are not so frequently encountered
in the clinic, so that there has been a trend
that they are neglected by people or even
by the authorities. Our government is still fighting
against infectious diseases and nutritional disorders.
The immunization programs of the government have
indeed reduced the occurence of many infectious dis-
eases. Actually, the government has to begin to think
how to handle the emerging genetic disorders, after
having eradicating infectious diseases.

Author Biographies

I Wahidiyat
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
P A Wahidiyat
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Wahidiyat I, Wahidiyat P. Genetic problems at present and their challenges in the future: Thalassemia as a model. PI [Internet]. 18Oct.2016 [cited 14Mar.2025];46(5):189-4. Available from:
Review Article
Received 2016-10-15
Accepted 2016-10-15
Published 2016-10-18