Clinical features of dengue hemorrhagic fever and risk factors of shock event

  • Rismala Dewi
  • Alan Roland Tumbelaka
  • Damayanti Rusli Sjarif
Keywords: Dengue hemorrhagic fever in children, clinical features, risk factor, dengue shock syndrome


Background Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) can lead to high
morbidity and mortality. Its clinical features vary from time to time.
Many studies were performed to determine the risk factors of se-
vere dengue infection.
Objective To find out clinical features and risk factors for predict-
ing the likelihood of shock in DHF.
Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted in all con-
firmed DHF children who were hospitalized at the Department of
Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital within the period of
January 1, 2003 until June 30, 2004. Risk factors for development
of shock were analyzed using chi-square test and multiple logistic
regressions with a level of significance of <0.05.
Results A total of 101 patients, consisted of 47 males and 54
females were enrolled in this study. Mean age was 6.5 (SD 3.6)
years, ranged from 5 months to 15 years. About 31.7% patients
had grade III DHF, 30.7% grade II, and 26.7% grade IV (including
1 patient with encephalopathy). Shock was more frequent among
patients aged between 6-10 years, female, under-nourished, body
temperature <38°C, hematocrit level 46-50 vol%, and platelet count
<20 000/ml. During year 2003-2004, there was increased number
of patients who developed shock. Based on univariate analysis,
hepatomegaly, high hematocrit value, and thrombocytopenia were
considered significantly different. Among those variables analyzed
with multiple logistic regression method, only hepatomegaly and
thrombocytopenia were identified as predictors of shock.
Conclusion There was an alteration on clinical features of DHF
in our hospital in 2003-2004 period compared to the previous years.
Hepatomegaly and platelet count <50 000/ml are independent risk
factors of shock among DHF patients

Author Biographies

Rismala Dewi
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Alan Roland Tumbelaka
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Damayanti Rusli Sjarif
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Dewi R, Tumbelaka A, Sjarif D. Clinical features of dengue hemorrhagic fever and risk factors of shock event. PI [Internet]. 18Oct.2016 [cited 9Mar.2025];46(3):144-. Available from:
Received 2016-10-14
Accepted 2016-10-14
Published 2016-10-18