Efficacy of synbiotic treatment in children with acute rotavirus diarrhea

  • Made Ratna Dewi Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School /Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar
  • Yati Soenarto Department of Child Health, Gadjah Mada University/Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta
  • I Putu Gede Karyana Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School /Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar
Keywords: acute rotavirus diarrhea, synbiotic, randomized clinical trial


Background Diarrhea is one of the major causes of morbidity
and mortality in children throughout the world, mostly due to
rotavirus infection. In daily practice, we routinely use the World
Health Organization Five steps for managing acute diarrhea.This
practice has shown great success in diarrhea management, but
concerns remain on reducing the duration of diarrhea to prevent
complications. Synbiotics can reduce the severity of diarrhea.
However, there has been limited data on synbiotic therapy for
treating acute rotavirus diarrhea in children.
Objective To compare the durations of acute rotavirus diarrhea
treated with synbiotics vs. placebo.
Methods This study was a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial,
performed at the Pediatric Gastrohepatology Division, Sanglah
and Wangaya Hospitals in Denpasar. Subjects were children aged
6 to 59 months with acute rotavirus diarrhea. Rotavirus was
diagnosed by immune chromatography assay. The synbiotic group
received probiotic comprised of Lactobacillus sp., Streptococcus sp.,
Bifidobacterium sp. (total viable count 1.00x109 CFU per dose), and
prebiotic consisted of 990.00 mg fructooligosacharide (FOS). The
placebo consisted of lactose monohydrate packaged similarly as the
synbiotics. Subjects orally ingested 1 pack per day for 5 days.
Results Seventy children with acute rotavirus diarrhea was
involved in this study. The median duration of diarrhea in the
synbiotic group was 50.0 (SE 1.1); 95%CI 47.9 to 52.1 hours, while
that of the placebo group was 63.0 (SE 5.9); 95%CI 51.4 to 74.6
hours. Based on Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, the duration of
diarrhea in the synbiotic group was significantly shorter than that
of the placebo group (log-rank test P <0.0001).
Conclusion In children with acute rotaviral diarrhea, synbiotic
reduces the duration of diarrhea compared to placebo.


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How to Cite
Dewi MR, Soenarto Y, Karyana IPG. Efficacy of synbiotic treatment in children with acute rotavirus diarrhea. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2015 [cited 12Mar.2025];55(2):74-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/88
Received 2016-06-29
Accepted 2016-06-29
Published 2015-04-30