Situational analysis of pediatric residency training program in Indonesia

  • Srisuparyati Soenarto
  • Ova Emilia
Keywords: pediatric residency training, continuous content analysis, Indonesia


Background Over the last twenty years, higher education, par-
ticularly pediatric residency training, has changed dramatically. A
question arises whether the pediatric residency training conducted
in Indonesia today has been set up to meet the changing as well
as the community needs.
Objective To evaluate whether the pediatric residency training
program in Indonesia today has met the changing as well as the
community needs.
Methods Twelve centers with pediatric training program in Indone-
sia were involved in this study. Each institution had various number
of respondents, with a total of 42 respondents. A structured ques-
tionnaire with open responses was selected to ensure the variety
and flexibility of responses.The questionnaires included statements
which encompassed areas such as curriculum, training and educa-
tional system, and alumni achievement of educational objectives.
Continuous content analysis of the responses was made.
Results Coverage was considered adequate by 80% of respon-
dents and was suggested to be continuously updated to be in line
with existing national problems but not yet considered international
standard. Additional knowledge and competence proposed by the
respondents are mollecular biology, genetics, generic skills, com-
munication skills, and introduction to sophisticated instruments. The
length of the existing program was appropriate. Graduate knowl-
edge was sufficient and fulfilled pediatric standards. Current pro-
gram was different from that of the past. The objectives are compre-
hensible. The placement of trainees enabled them to follow each
division in a spiral fashion (at least three times during the training).
Conclusion The curriculum content of the training process was
continuously updated to be inline with existing national problems.
Additional knowledge, and competence, and the present length
of study was considered appropriate. Graduate knowledge is
sufficient and fulfills pediatric standards. Furthermore, the objec-
tives of the current program are clearer and placement of train-
ees enables them to follow each division at least three times

Author Biographies

Srisuparyati Soenarto
Indonesian College of Pediatrics, Medical School, Gajah Mada
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ova Emilia
Medical Education Division, Medical School, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Soenarto S, Emilia O. Situational analysis of pediatric residency training program in Indonesia. PI [Internet]. 18Oct.2016 [cited 7Jan.2025];46(1):20-. Available from:
Received 2016-10-10
Accepted 2016-10-10
Published 2016-10-18