The efficacy of suppository versus oral ibuprofen for reducing fever in children

  • Suhesti Handayani
  • Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro
  • Sudigdo Sastroasmoro
Keywords: fever, ibuprofen, children


Background Ibuprofen suppository is used to reduce fever in
children who are unable to receive it orally. The effectiveness of
ibuprofen suppository compared to that of oral ibuprofen has not
been documented in Indonesian children.
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of
ibuprofen suppository with that of oral ibuprofen for reducing
fever in children.
Methods This study was a randomized clinical trial without blind-
ing on children aged 2-5 years with body weight of 12.5 to 16 kg
who had fever. Subjects received ibuprofen in either oral (7.5
mg/kg) or suppository (125 mg) form. The temperature was mea-
sured prior to ibuprofen administration, 30 minutes afterwards,
and every subsequent half hour until the end of the sixth hour.
Any observed adverse effects were recorded.
Results Mean time needed for fever reduction was 2.72 (SD 1.1)
hours in the suppository group, compared to 3.43 (SD 0.9) hours
in the oral group (P=0.004). The mean rate of fever reduction in
the suppository group was 0.90 (SD 0.4) °C/hour, while in the
oral group it was 0.61 (SD 0.3) °C/hour. However, mean maxi-
mum temperature lowering ability did not differ significantly [2.11
(SD 0.7) °C for the suppository group and 1.99 (SD 0.7) °C, for
the oral group (P=0.489)]. There was no significant difference in
mean duration of effect [220.8 (SD 83.0) hours for the supposi-
tory group and 196.6 (SD 92.7) hours for the oral group (p=0.231)].
Conclusions There was no significant difference between both
preparations in maximum temperature lowering ability and dura-
tion of effect. Temperature reduction was significantly faster
with the administration of ibuprofen suppository

Author Biographies

Suhesti Handayani
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Sudigdo Sastroasmoro
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Handayani S, Hadinegoro S, Sastroasmoro S. The efficacy of suppository versus oral ibuprofen for reducing fever in children. PI [Internet]. 13Oct.2016 [cited 18Jan.2025];45(5):211-. Available from:
Received 2016-10-10
Accepted 2016-10-10
Published 2016-10-13