Dermatoglyphic patterns of goitrous children in endemic iodine deficiency area

  • Martira Maddeppungeng
  • R Satriono
Keywords: Dermatoglyphic pattern, goitrous children, endemic iodine defficiency area, genetic factor


Background Goiter mapping on elementary school students in
1998 showed that the prevalence of endemic goiter was still high
at Enrekang regency, South Sulawesi despite various programs to
manage this problem. This raised questions if there were any other
factors that contribute to the occurrence of goiter e.g. genetic fac-
tor, which can be assessed indirectly by dermatoglyphic pattern.
Objective To determine the dermatoglyphic pattern in goitrous
children and compare it to normal children.
Methods A cross sectional study was done to investigate the cor-
relation between goiter and dermatoglyphic patterns on 115 el-
ementary school students at Anggeraja and Baraka subdistricts,
Enrekang regency. Dermatoglyphic patterns of finger tips of both
hands and right hallux were scanned using Prolink scanner with
Maximum Resolution of 19200x19200dpi and interpreted using
photo/image editing computer program.
Results Seventy two (62.6%) of 115 children were goitrous, sev-
enty (97%) were of stage1, and 2 (3%) of stage 2. No significant
difference was found in dermatoglyphic patterns between normal
and goitrous children. Tibial loop pattern of the right hallux tended
to be more frequent in goitrous children than that of normal chil-
dren, but it was not statistically different (in level of significancy of
0.05) compared to normal children (p=0.085).
Conclusions This study indicates that the possibility of the role of ge-
netic factor in the development of goiter in endemic area is unlikely

Author Biographies

Martira Maddeppungeng
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Hasanuddin
University, Makassar.
R Satriono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Hasanuddin
University, Makassar.


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How to Cite
Maddeppungeng M, Satriono R. Dermatoglyphic patterns of goitrous children in endemic iodine deficiency area. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 7Mar.2025];44(3):117-0. Available from:
Received 2016-09-30
Accepted 2016-09-30
Published 2016-10-10