Correlation between parasitemia and spleen size in patients with P. falciparum infection

  • Dini Lailani
  • Munar Lubis
  • Bidasari Lubis
  • Syahril Pasaribu
Keywords: parasitemia, splenomegaly, falciparum malaria


Background Spleen is an important organ in immunity to malaria
infection which is always affected in malaria patients. Enlargement
of the spleen is one of the main clinical symptoms of malaria. Level
of parasitemia is related to the risk of complications.
Objective To describe the correlation between parasitemia and
spleen size in patients with P.falciparum infection.
Methods One hundred and four patients including children and
adults with fever, pale, jaundice, diarrhea, and headache who vis-
ited public health centers in 5 villages in Mandailing Natal, North
Sumatera were enrolled in this study. The diagnosis of malaria
was based on blood smears stained by Giemsa method, while the
spleen size was measured using Hackett method. Correlation be-
tween parasitemia and spleen size was tested by Spearman rank
Results Splenomegaly was found in 37 of 104 patients (35.6 %)
with the size of H1 in 10.6 %, H2 in 15.4 %, H3 in 9.6 %. The mean
parasite count between patients with and without splenomegaly
was different, and the difference was significant between patients
with spleen size of H0 and H3. The higher the parasitemia, the
bigger the spleen size was (r=0.291; p=0.03).
Conclusion There was a correlation between parasitemia and
spleen size in falciparum malarial infection

Author Biographies

Dini Lailani
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatera Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan.
Munar Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatera Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan.
Bidasari Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatera Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan.
Syahril Pasaribu
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatera Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan.


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How to Cite
Lailani D, Lubis M, Lubis B, Pasaribu S. Correlation between parasitemia and spleen size in patients with P. falciparum infection. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 14Mar.2025];44(3):111-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-30
Accepted 2016-09-30
Published 2016-10-10