Knowledge, attitude, and practice of working and non-working mothers concerning immunization of underfive children

  • Muhammad Ali
  • Ifan Eka Saputra
  • Adillida Adillida
  • Sri Sofyani
  • Iskandar Z Lubis
Keywords: working mothers, non-working mothers, child immunization


Objective To compare the knowledge and attitude of working moth-
ers (WM) and non-working mothers (NWM) concerning immuniza-
tion in children.
Methods A cross sectional study was conducted on February, 18-
23, 2002 at PT. Olagafood Industri, a noodle manufacture in Tanjung
Morawa, Medan. Subjects were female workers and non-working
wives of male workers who had under-five-year children. Mothers
were interviewed using a questionnaire. Sample size for each group
was 38. Degree of knowledge, attitude, and practice concerning
immunization were classified into good, insufficient, and bad.
Results Mothers’ age, educational level, and children’s age were
comparable between the two groups. Ten WM and 8 NWM had
good knowledge concerning immunization, which did not differ sig-
nificantly (p>0.05). Good attitude toward immunization was found
in 25 WM and 12 NWM; it was a statistically significant difference
(p<0.05). The practice of immunization showed similar result as
the attitude. The age of mothers had a significant relationship with
the degree of knowledge and practice, but not with attitude.
Conclusion Degree of knowledge about immunization between
WM and NWM are comparable, but differences exist in their atti-
tude and performance

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ali
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatra Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
Ifan Eka Saputra
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatra Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
Adillida Adillida
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatra Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
Sri Sofyani
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatra Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
Iskandar Z Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Sumatra Utara, Adam Malik Hospital, Medan


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How to Cite
Ali M, Saputra I, Adillida A, Sofyani S, Lubis I. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of working and non-working mothers concerning immunization of underfive children. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 14Mar.2025];44(3):101-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-30
Accepted 2016-09-30
Published 2016-10-10