Incidence and factors associated with mortality of neonatal sepsis

  • I Made Kardana Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali
Keywords: neonatal sepsis, mortality, risk factors


Background Neonatal sepsis is one of the major causes of mortality and long term morbidity in neonates, particularly in premature and low birth weight infants. The incidence of neonatal sepsis varies from 1 to 4 in 1000 live births in developed countries and 10 to 50 in 1000 live births in developing countries. The mortality rate of neonatal sepsis remains high, especially in developing countries.

Objective To describe the incidence, mortality rate, and factors associated 'With mortality in neonatal sepsis in Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar.

Methods A retrospective, cohort study was conducted in the Perinatology Ward, Department of Child Health, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali from January to December 2008. One hundred thirtyô€„eight patients 'With neonatal sepsis were enrolled in this study. Patients' characteristic data were collected including sex, mode of delivery (spontaneous, nonô€„spontaneous), condition at birth (vigorous, asphyxic), gestational age (premature, full tenn), birth weight «2500 grams, > 2500 grams), and sepsis classificaô€„
tion (early onset sepsis, late onset sepsis). Outcomes were grouped into alive and dead.

Results A total of 138 cases of neonatal sepsis were reviewed, 59.4% of whom were boys, 63.0% spontaneously delivered,39.1 % asphyxic, 53.6% 'With low birth weight, 50.7% premature, and
84.8% with early onset sepsis. The incidence of neonatal sepsis was 5% of babies admitted, 'With a mortality rate of 28.3%. Low birth weight and prematurity were significantly associated with
mortality in neonatal sepsis (RR8.4, 95% CI 2.4 to 29.0, P = 0.001 and RR3.4, 95% ClI.O to 11.0, P 􀀂 0.042, respectively). 

Conclusion The incidence of neonatal sepsis in Sanglah Hospital was 5% of babies admitted, with a mortality rate of 28.3%. Low birth weight and prematurity were significantly associated with mortality in neonatal sepsis. 


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How to Cite
Kardana IM. Incidence and factors associated with mortality of neonatal sepsis. PI [Internet]. 30Jun.2011 [cited 7Mar.2025];51(3):144-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-28
Accepted 2016-09-28
Published 2011-06-30