Acute renal failure in children: outcome and prognostic factors

  • Partini P Trihono
  • Ommy A Soesilo
  • Rulina Suradi
Keywords: acute renal failure, children, outcome, prognostic factors


Background Acute renal failure (ARF) is an emergency condition
with a high mortality rate despite the long-known dialysis and ad-
vanced supportive care. Only few studies on prognostic factors of
ARF in children are available in the literature, which are difficult to
compare to each other due to the different definitions of the ARF
outcome used.
Objective To find out the clinical and laboratory characteristics of
children with acute renal failure and the prognostic factors affect-
ing the outcome.
Methods This observational prospective study was conducted on
children with acute renal failure hospitalized in the Department of
Child Health, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, between July and
December 2001. Patients with acute on chronic renal failure were
excluded. Clinical and laboratory data were taken at the time of
diagnosis and the outcomes were noted after 2 weeks of observa-
tion. We classified the outcome as cured, uncured, and dead. Ana-
lytical study was done to find out the relationships among various
prognostic factors.
Results Fifty-six children with ARF were recruited in this study.
Male to female ratio was 1.3:1; the mean age was 4.4 year-old.
The most frequent presenting symptom was dyspnea (34%), fol-
lowed by oliguria (29%). The most frequent primary disease was
malignancy (20%). Most of the patients had renal-type of ARF
(73%). The outcomes were cure (71%), no cure (16%), and death
(13%). Bivariate analysis and logistic regression revealed that
younger age (OR=13.6; 95%CI 1.01;183.60) and the need for di-
alysis (OR=10; 95%CI 1.53;65.97) had significant relationships with
mortality or no cure.
Conclusion We should be aware when finding ARF patients
less than 5 year-old and have the indications for dialysis, due to
the poor prognosis they might have

Author Biographies

Partini P Trihono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
Ommy A Soesilo
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
Rulina Suradi
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.


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How to Cite
Trihono P, Soesilo O, Suradi R. Acute renal failure in children: outcome and prognostic factors. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 23Feb.2025];43(6):205-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-24
Accepted 2016-09-24
Published 2016-10-10