Macro- and micronutrient intakes among severely malnourished under-five children during the economic crisis in Yogyakarta

  • Endy P Prawirohartono
  • Atiek Werdiningsih
Keywords: macronutrients, micronutrients, severe malnutrition, economy crisis


Objective To evaluate macro and micronutrient intakes among
under five-year children with severe malnutrition during the period
of economic crisis.
Methods We conducted a longitudinal study from August until
November 2000 in Bantul and Sleman districts, Yogyakarta Spe-
cial Territory of Indonesia. Two-weekly home visits were performed
to collect data about food intakes.
Results Of 46 children, 26 experienced an improvement in nutri-
tional status, whereas 20 children did not. The median intakes of
macro and 8micronutrients were lower than the Recommended
Daily Allowances (RDA), ranged from 22% (vitamin C) to 69%
(phosphorus), except for vitamin A (406%). The median intakes of
protein, vitamin A, thiamin, vitamin C, calcium, iron and phospho-
rus were higher in severely malnourished children who experienced
improvement in nutritional status compared to children who did
not, and in breastfed compared to non-breastfed, but Mann Whitney
U-test was not able to detect significant differences (p>0.05). Strati-
fication using age group showed that calories and thiamin intakes
of older children (348 months) were lower than those of younger
children (Kruskal Wallis tests p = 0.016 and 0.022 respectively).
Conclusions The macro and micronutrients intakes of severely
malnourished under five-year children were lower than RDA, ex-
cept for vitamin A. There were differences in nutrient intakes ac-
cording to the improvement in nutritional status and age group

Author Biographies

Endy P Prawirohartono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Gadjah Mada
Atiek Werdiningsih
Ministry of Health Yogyakarta Special Territory Office


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How to Cite
Prawirohartono E, Werdiningsih A. Macro- and micronutrient intakes among severely malnourished under-five children during the economic crisis in Yogyakarta. PI [Internet]. 26Sep.2016 [cited 7Mar.2025];43(5):186-1. Available from:
Received 2016-09-24
Accepted 2016-09-24
Published 2016-09-26