Comparison of seroconversion rates between low-dose intradermal and recommended dose intramuscular hepatitis B vaccination in children

  • Sony HA Harsono
  • Zarkasih Anwar
  • Nancy Pardede
Keywords: Hepatitis B vaccination, intradermal, intramuscular, seroconversion


Introduction Massive hepatitis B vaccination is expensive. Re-
sults of studies showed that reduced dosage given intradermally
to adults and intramuscularly to children were able to induce
Objective To compare the anti-HBs seroconversion (seropositive
and seroprotective) rates between intradermal low-dose of 2 mg
(ID-2) and intramuscular recommended dose of 10 mg (IM-10)
vaccination against hepatitis B.
Methods In a randomized clinical trial, using the hepatitis B plasma
vaccine, elementary school children in Tanjung Enim subdistrict,
80-168 months of age, were randomly assigned to be given three
doses of either the ID-2 (n=59) or IM-10 (n=64) vaccinations at
one month intervals. Seropositive (anti HBs titer >2.1 mIU/l) and
seroprotective (anti HBs >10 mIU/l) rates as well as the seroposi-
tive and seroprotective geometric mean antibody titers (GMTs) were
compared one month after each inoculation. A p value of <0.1
was considered statistically significant.
Results One month after the third inoculation, there was no sig-
nificant difference in the seropositive rate (95% vs. 89%),
seroprotective rate (85% vs. 83%), seropositive GMTs (55.85 mIU/
l vs. 61.24mIU/l), and seroprotective GMTs (73.86 mIU/l vs. 72.49
mIU/l) between the ID-2 and the IM-10 groups (all with p>0.1)
Conclusion Reduced doses of the hepatitis B vaccine given in-
tradermally may offer protection against hepatitis B, thus it may be
useful for mass vaccination programs

Author Biographies

Sony HA Harsono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sriwijaya Uni-
versity, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang.
Zarkasih Anwar
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sriwijaya Uni-
versity, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang.
Nancy Pardede
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sriwijaya Uni-
versity, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang.


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How to Cite
Harsono S, Anwar Z, Pardede N. Comparison of seroconversion rates between low-dose intradermal and recommended dose intramuscular hepatitis B vaccination in children. PI [Internet]. 24Sep.2016 [cited 9Mar.2025];43(4):140-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-23
Accepted 2016-09-23
Published 2016-09-24