Immunopathogenesis of cow’s milk allergy

  • Ariyanto Harsono
Keywords: Immunopathogenesis, cow’s milk allergy


Given the public’s increasing awareness of cow’s
milk allergy and their frequent misperception that

various illness is caused by cow’s milk-induced aller-
gic reactions, the physician must retain some skepti-
cism throughout the evaluation and rely on objective
measures to arrive at the final diagnosis. Over diag-
nosis of cow’s milk allergy has led to malnutrition,
eating disorders, and psychosocial problems, as well
as family disruption, whereas under diagnosis leaves
the patient suffering unnecessarily and may result in
growth failure and permanent physical impairments.
The following discussion provides an immunological
basis of cow’s milk allergy in an attempt to improve
our understanding in clinical manifestations, diagno-
sis and management of the disease.

Author Biography

Ariyanto Harsono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Airlangga Uni-
versity, Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Harsono A. Immunopathogenesis of cow’s milk allergy. PI [Internet]. 24Sep.2016 [cited 26Jan.2025];43(4):111-. Available from:
Review Article
Received 2016-09-23
Accepted 2016-09-23
Published 2016-09-24