Association between serum cholesterol levels and nutritional status in school children aged 10-12 years

  • Fransiscus H Wulur
  • Recky Dj B Pieter
Keywords: Hypercholesterolemia, obesity, school age children


Background Hypercholesterolemia in children is an important risk
factor that causes coronary heart disease in the future. Nutritional
status, especially overweight/obesity, is associated with hyperc-
Objective To determine the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia
and its association with nutritional status.
Methods This was a cross sectional study conducted during April-
June 2001. Subjects consisted of children aged 10-12 year-old
registered at primary schools in Manado, Tondano, and Tandengan
Minahasa. Data were analyzed using t test, z score, and chi-square.
Results Of the 229 samples, 153 (66.8%) were boys and 76 (33.2
%) were girls. The mean of total cholesterol level in boys was 179.46
mg/dL (SD 33.44) and in girls was 180.95 mg/dL (SD 33.77) which
was not significantly different (p>0.05). There were no differences
in either the number of children having “borderline†cholesterol level
(170–199 mg/dL) or hypercholesterolemia (3200 mg/dL) between
both sexes. Of the 229 children, 65 (28.4%) had hypercholester-
olemia. Of the 65 children, 37 (36%) came from the primary school
in Manado, which was significant compared to the other school
locations (p<0.05). Twenty-five (39%) children with hypercholes-
terolemia had overweight nutritional status, which was significant
compared to the other nutritional status (p<0.05).
Conclusion The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia was 28.4 %.
There was an association between hypercholesterolemia and nutri-
tional status, with a tendency of hypercholesterolemia to occur at
overweight nutritional status, especially in the urban area

Author Biographies

Fransiscus H Wulur
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado.
Recky Dj B Pieter
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado.


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How to Cite
Wulur F, Pieter R. Association between serum cholesterol levels and nutritional status in school children aged 10-12 years. PI [Internet]. 10Oct.2016 [cited 9Mar.2025];43(3):73-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-23
Accepted 2016-09-23
Published 2016-10-10