Congenital hypothyroidism: a case report

  • Anak A Maswiryati
  • Nyoman Westra
Keywords: congenital hypothyroidism, 14 months old child


Hypothyroidism resulted from deficiency of
thyroid hormone production due to a
defect in thyroid gland. The disorder may
be manifested earlier. When symptoms
occur after a period of normal function of thyroid gland,
the disorder may be either truly “acquired†or only
appear as a variety of congenital defects in which the
manifestation of the deficiency is delayed. Normal level
of triiodothyronine (T3) in children is 100-260 ng/dl,
thyroxin (T4) 7.3 - 15 mg/dl and thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) 2-10 mU/mL. 1,2 The age at which
symptoms appear depends on the impairment degree
of thyroid function. In many cases, the deficiency of
thyroid hormone is severe, and symptoms tend to
develop in the early weeks of life. 1,3 The prevalence of
congenital hypothyroidism has been found to be 1 in
4,000 infants world wide; it is lower in Japan (1 in 5,500
infants) and in African American population (1 in
32,000 infants). Most infants with congenital
hypothyroidism are asymptomatic at birth, even when
there is a complete agenesis of the thyroid gland. 1,3 But
in other cases, during the first few months of life, the
symptoms of hypothyroidism such as feeding problems,
failure to thrive, constipation, hoarse cry, and
somnolence usually can be found. 1,3,4 The purpose of
this study is to report a case of congenital hypothyroidism
in a 14 months old child.

Author Biographies

Anak A Maswiryati
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Udayana Uni-
versity, Sanglah, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.
Nyoman Westra
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Udayana Uni-
versity, Sanglah, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Maswiryati A, Westra N. Congenital hypothyroidism: a case report. PI [Internet]. 24Sep.2016 [cited 24Jan.2025];43(1):31-. Available from:
Case Report
Received 2016-09-22
Accepted 2016-09-22
Published 2016-09-24