Lipid profiles in smoking and non-smoking male adolescents

  • Sigit Prastyanto Department of Child Health, Dr Sardjito Hospital
  • Mei Neni Sitaresmi Department of Child Health, Dr Sardjito Hospital
  • Madarina Julia Department of Child Health, Dr Sardjito Hospital
Keywords: smoking, lipid profile, adolescent


Background The prevalence of smoking in adolescents
tends to increase. Smoking is associated with a higher risk of
Objective To compare the lipid profiles of tobacco-smoking and
non-tobacco-smoking male adolescents.
Methods We performed a cross- sectional study in three vocational
high schools in Yogyakarta from January to April 2011. Data
on smoking status, duration of smoking and number cigarettes
consumed per day were collected by questionnaires. We randomly
selected 50 male smokers and 50 male non-smokers as the study
Results Mean differences between smokers and non-smokers
were 44.5 (95%CI 28. 7 to 60.1) mg/dL for triglyceride levels; 8.0
(95% CI 1.0 to 14.9) mg/dL for low density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol; 11.8 (1.1 to 22.4) mg/dL for total cholesterol and -5.7
mg/dL (95% CI -8.8 to -2.6) for high density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol. Mean differences (95% CI) between smokers who
had engaged in smoking for > 2 years and those who had smoked
for :S:2 years were -18.1 (95% CI -33 .9 to -2.3) mg/dL for total
cholesterol; -49.4 (95% CI -67.2 to -3 1.5) mg/dL for triglycerides.
Mean differences between those who smoked > 5 cigarettes/day
and :s:5 cigarettes per day were -18 .4 (95% CI -32.8 to -4.1) mg/
dL for total cholesterol and -29.1 (95% CI -53.6 to -4.6) mg/dL
for triglycerides.
Conclusion Smoking more than 5 cigarettes/day significantly
increases total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride
levels, as well as reduces HDL cholesterol levels; while smoking
more than 2 years significantly increases total cholesterol and
triglyceride levels


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How to Cite
Prastyanto S, Sitaresmi M, Julia M. Lipid profiles in smoking and non-smoking male adolescents. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2014 [cited 12Mar.2025];54(4):232-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-20
Accepted 2016-09-20
Published 2014-08-31