Differences of antigenic profiles on immunoblotting of wild type measles virus and vaccine virus in Indonesia

  • Made Setiawan
  • Agus Sjahrurachman
  • Fera lbrahim
  • Agus Suwandono
Keywords: measles virus, wild type virus, CAM-70 vaccine virus


Background Measles virus has a negative, single strand RNA
genome which codes for six important structural proteins. The
genes of the wild type measles virus have many variances hence
the nucleotide sequences of each wild type virus and vaccine virus
are different. This differences lead to the antigenic differences
between wild type and vaccine virus.
Objective The purpose of this research is to investigate the
differences in the antigenic profiles on immunoblotting between
wild type and vaccine virus.
Results The analysis results are 1) the antigen ofCAM-70 vaccine
virus was less able in cross reacting with the antibodies from G2,
G3, 09, CAM-70 and Schwarz; 2) The antibody aga inst CAM-
70 was only able to cross react with antigens of N protein and a
few of antigens ofF proteins; 3) The wild type virus were very
immunogenic, hence the antibody titers were very high; 4) The
CAM-70 and MMR vaccine virus were less immunogenic, hence
their antibody were very low; 5) The antibody responses that
always occurred from all immunized mice serum were antibody
for N and F proteins. However, the antibody against CAM-70
vaccine virus was still able to react with wild type virus (G2, G3
and 09).
Conclusion All antigen-antibody reaction on immunoblotting
resulted in different profiles especially between wild type virus
and CAM-70 vaccine virus. Although CAM-70 vaccine virus
showed clear differences compared to G2, G3 and 09 genotypes,
antibodies against CAM-70 were still able to cross react with
antigens from other genotypes (G2, G3 and D9).

Author Biographies

Made Setiawan
Department of Child Health, Infectious Diseases Hospital
Prof. Su lianti Saroso, Jakarta, Indonesia
Agus Sjahrurachman
Department of Microbiology, Medical School of University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fera lbrahim
Department of Microbiology, Medical School of University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Agus Suwandono
Department of National Institute of Health
Risearch and Developemen-lndonesia ( Litbangkes-RI)


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How to Cite
Setiawan M, Sjahrurachman A, lbrahim F, Suwandono A. Differences of antigenic profiles on immunoblotting of wild type measles virus and vaccine virus in Indonesia. PI [Internet]. 15Sep.2016 [cited 31Jan.2025];48(6):364-3. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/631
Received 2016-09-14
Accepted 2016-09-14
Published 2016-09-15